Your Ultimate Toolkit for Drone Business Success!

Dronepreneur Academy

Drone Courses, Workshops, and Webinars for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. The Dronepreneur Academy is the ultimate launchpad for drone enthusiasts, educators, and entrepreneurs. From mastering the art of drone digital marketing to understanding regulations in the industry, our resources cover a variety of topics for both novices and experts!

New educational content is added monthly.

We launch November, 2023!

Instantly Get access to ALL of These Resources to Help You Start & Grow Your Drone Business! New Content Added MONTHLY!

Join the Dronepreneur Academy For Instant Access!

$119 Included in Membership

$57 Included in Membership

$57 Included in Membership

$17 Included in Membership

$17.99 Included in Membership

$97 Included in Membership

$97 Included in Membership

$17 Included in Membership

$17 Included in Membership

$97 Included in Membership

$17 Included in Membership

$0 Included in Membership

$0 Included in Membership

$0 Included in Membership

$0 Included in Membership

$21.99 Included in Membership

$0 Included in Membership

$Included in Membership

2024 Dronepreneur Academy Release Schedule

Dronepreneur Academy Includes

✅ Access to all currently available online courses (new content is added monthly!)

✅ Access to several new courses that are released with no extra charge (selected courses only.)

Exclusive monthly LIVE group calls via Google Meet with me for Q&A sessions, workshops, and study questions

✅ A monthly updated learning portal with recordings of live Q&A sessions and workshops

✅ A downloadable and printable copy of all my drone-related books

Exclusive discounts on my consulting services, done-for-you services, and live events


Q: What exactly is the Dronepreneur Academy?

A: The Dronepreneur Academy is an online membership platform designed to provide comprehensive training and resources for drone enthusiasts looking to start or grow their drone-related business. For a monthly fee, members gain access to a wealth of courses, live sessions, and a community of experts and fellow dronepreneurs.

Q: How much does membership to the Dronepreneur Academy cost?

A: Membership to the Dronepreneur Academy is priced at an affordable $47 per month as of November, 2023. This gives you full access to all our resources, courses, live training sessions, and member-only forums.

Q: What kind of courses can I expect in the academy?

A: Our academy will offer a range of courses covering various aspects of drone entrepreneurship, including FAA Part 107 exam preparation, business strategy development, digital marketing, operational management, and much more. We ensure our content is up-to-date with the latest industry standards and practices. We launched in November, 2023 and currently have the Part 107 exam prep course and airspace course available. More content is added monthly!

Q: Is the Dronepreneur Academy suitable for beginners?

A: Absolutely! Whether you’re just starting out or you’re an experienced drone operator looking to turn your passion into a business, our academy has resources tailored to every level of experience.

Q: Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

A: Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. We believe in the value of our academy, but we understand that it needs to fit your needs and schedule. You can manage your subscription settings directly within your account.

Q: How often is new content added to the academy?

A: New content is added monthly. We stay on top of industry trends and updates to ensure our members are always equipped with the latest knowledge and skills.

Q: Are there any live components to the academy?

A: Yes, we offer live virtual training sessions and open office hours where you can get real-time assistance from experts, ask questions, and interact with other members.

Q: What if I have specific questions or need support?

A: As a member of the Dronepreneur Academy, you’ll have access to our exclusive community forum where you can ask questions and get support. Additionally, you can reach out to us directly via email for more personalized assistance.

Q: Do I get one-on-one coaching with my membership?

A: While one-on-one coaching isn’t included in the standard membership, we do offer personalized coaching / consulting sessions at an additional cost for those seeking more in-depth guidance.

Q: What makes Dronepreneur Academy different from other online drone courses?

A: Unlike standalone courses, the Dronepreneur Academy offers a comprehensive ecosystem for drone business education. It combines the latest in drone operation and business strategies with an active community and ongoing support, all tailored specifically for drone entrepreneurs.

Q: Will I receive any certification upon completing the courses?

A: While we do not provide a certificate of completion for our courses, the main goal of the academy is to prepare you for official certifications, such as the FAA Part 107 exam, and to equip you with the knowledge to run a successful drone business. If you need a certificate of completion, one can be provided upon request. 

Q: How do I access the courses and materials?

A: Once you become a member, you’ll have immediate access to all courses and materials through our online platform, which you can access from any device with an internet connection. Additionally, all of our content can be accessed via phone or tablet.

Q: I'm not in the United States. Can I still benefit from the Dronepreneur Academy?

A: Yes! While some content, like the FAA Part 107 exam prep, is specific to the United States, much of the business and marketing strategies are applicable globally. We welcome members from all over the world. We are currently working with other drone education organizations to offer the remote pilot certification for multiple countries.

Still have questions?

Join the Dronepreneur Academy For Instant Access!